
The learned scientist, once calculated that if all the bees had disappeared from the earth, four years later, all people disappeared. I do not know if this is an issue that has already been addressed (I was trying to search, but I have not found any similar topics) or that might be of interest, but I thought that the problem of bee decline and the help that we can give them is important. The beekeeper friend of the family even told us that his apines did not produce a drop of honey this year, but that he had to feed them with water and sugar.  In fact, there is a wide variety of flowers that are enjoyed by bees and butterflies. In this light, I finally finished my own garden this year and sign the petition prohibiting some dangerous pesticides,  Do not use chemical fertilizers and other chemicals in the garden  provide useful insect protection,  Plant plants and flowers welcome for insects.

The bee is not only useful for the environment and nature, but also for good election results. However, there is disagreement between the parties as to what exactly should be done for the animals – and what are the potential limitations for agriculture. The focus is on the use of pesticides – many agents are harmful to the bee. The countries can not ban the use but simply. What is harmful for the bee, must go away from the market, otherwise at some point all others will be away from the market „. I do not know about you, but being satisfied with buzz, bumblebees dusted with nectar, and fluttering butterflies excites a wonderful satisfaction!


3 Kommentare

  1. Love this post. We have several plants in our suburban gardens that attract bumble bees. I think that is one of the reasons our gardens thrive. They are quite docile and I’ve never been stung. I am grateful to share my little patch of land with them. Thank you for your posts. I am glad to meet you. LuAnne


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